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Light Sport Trainers In Northern California???

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:39 pm
by David Rizzio
Hello all!

For the past 9 month's I've been flying at Ocean Air Flight Services ( ) at KWVI in their Tecnam LSA's

They have a P92 Eaglet and a P2002 Sierra (glass panel) which are both _really_ nice, and reasonably priced ( the Eaglet rents at $98/hr ).

But I live in San Jose, and the drive to Santa Cruz is a bit further than I'd like. I didn't mind so much when my girlfriend lived there :-p but she moved in with me. (Yeah, I know, I should have moved in with _her_!!!)

Are there any other flight schools / FBO's in the SF Bay area where I can rent a Tecnam? I tried the Remos and the CT and didn't like how they fly compared to the Tecnams.


Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:06 pm
by rfane

At Reid-Hillview there are:

Aerodynamic Aviation has 2 Evektor SportStar's and a Zlin Savage Cub. They also have a Taylorcraft L-2 and Aeronca Champ that are Sport Pilot eligible.

Tradewinds Aviation has a Remos GX.

I believe that is about it from a rental standpoint.