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Learning to fly

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 9:09 am
by MikeM
Hi to everyone. I recently took the big step and am starting flying lessons. I've wanted to be a pilot most of my life and took ground school classes in 1982 with my brother. He eventually got his license and I got married, had a family and so on. I've got lots of right seat time flying with my brother but never worked on getting my license until now.

I became interested in pursuing my license when the sport pilot category was created. That kind of flying (and the cost) appealed to me and when a local business man bought a Flight Design CT I signed up for lessons. I've had one lesson so far and can't wait for the next.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 9:55 am
by CharlieTango

maybe you want to visit the ctsw forum?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:28 am
by CTflyer
Mike - welcome to SPT!

Tell us about your school (?), your cfi, how your lessons are going, etc.

There's not enough info around about the details of actually learning to be a sport pilot. Do you have a written outline of what you're learning? What's it costing you to rent the CT? What's the cfi charge per hour? How do you handle insurance, etc.?

Congratulations to you on getting back into lessons!
