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Found out something interesting today

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 5:35 pm
by rcpilot
So someone I work with texted me this morning. He was going to "exercise" a friend's plane(a Cherokee) that happens to be kept where I keep mine(KHWV). I meet him and we decide we'll fly to Gabreski airport and have lunch. Just as well, it was a bit too windy (11kts gusting to 24 kts)for my for my LSA. We get there and it turns out the restaurant changed hands and the new owner hasn't opened yet. So we take a walk and happen to see someone who looks like they are getting ready to fly. I recognize the plane as a Sky Arrow so we walked over to have a chat. Turns out he's a deputy sheriff and they use the plane for "surveillance". He expected a bump ride but said winds were calm at his destination(Upstate NY). So if you see a Sky Arrow buzzing around it might be big brother.

Re: Found out something interesting today

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 6:55 pm
by FastEddieB
Saw this one at the mechanic’s in SC where I got the 5 year rubber parts done on my Sky Arrow...


Re: Found out something interesting today

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:25 am
by rcpilot
I did a little research and apparently the Suffolk County Sheriff's office has had the Sky Arrow since 2011. I guess it's a good choice, good visibility, relatively low cost to purchase and maintain.

Re: Found out something interesting today

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:00 pm
by Otto
Those guys fly it up to KPYM for maintenance. Had a chat with them at the airport diner last year while they were waiting.

Re: Found out something interesting today

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:19 pm
by rcpilot
And talk about your small world. My instructor asked to borrow my plane for an overnight trip. When I met him at the airport I told him about the Sheriff's Sky Arrow. He knew all about it and apparently had helped train some of the deputies. Even remembered their names.