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CFI Sport = Impotence !

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:07 pm
by bryancobb

I just found out that the FAA Lawyers have declared myself and other Sport CFI's impotent!!
One of the cornerstones of the Sport Pilot concept was the idea that a Sport Pilot is a REAL pilot, and a Sport Pilot CFI is a REAL FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR!
I became a Sport CFI because I felt that in the not-too-distant future, FBO"S were gonna be equipped with the new modern Cessna 162 Skycatchers, and be faced with a shortage of instructors to teach in them.
Students would be lined up to have me give them their first 10 hours of dual (I really enjoy teaching those initial hours). Then after I helped them through the Sport Checkride, they would continue on to their private.
Well, that's dead. The moment those students find out that the $$ spent on those 10 hours of dual is trash and can't be counted toward the 20 hours of dual required for a private ticket... why would they ever seek the services of a Sport CFI???
My Sport CFI ticket is not worth the plastic it's made of!!
I did not believe it at first but AFS-610 sent me the lawyer's interpretation and said IT IS BINDING and IN EFFECT.
OK all students, go find you a Subpart H CFI and don't talk to us Sport guys ... we are NOT REAL FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS!

lawyers = Shysters

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:50 pm
by yozz25

You know what Shakepeare said about lawyers.


Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:20 am
by ka7eej

I still think that there are(and will be) plenty of students that have no intention of going on to become a PPL, because they own a LSA or have a medical condition or just plane do not need to take the additional training to achieve their goals in flying...
Hang in there Bud, it is a shock to read that letter and its not the way I thought it was going to be either...

Good are NOT worthless.....


take it easy

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:46 am
by yozz25
Give it time.

There are a whole lot of baby boomers hanging in there to retire, these are the guys/gals that will go for the sports job due to med conditions or taking meds that will disqualify them for ppl.

They have just been stymied by the financial situation, can't leave jobs, can't sell houses. When things loosen up, or when they realize that they are gonna have to make the leap on less, they will make their move, and realize they are not gonna live forever.

Instead of living on 2 million, they are gonna have to do with 1 million, so time marches on for these newbie geezers, and yes they will line up at yor door.

I'm one of them.

yozz :D

Re: take it easy

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:42 am
by chrisw
yozz25 wrote: Instead of living on 2 million, they are gonna have to do with 1 million, so time marches on for these newbie geezers, and yes they will line up at yor door.

I'm one of them.

yozz :D
We're going to have to live on on 1 million!!? And still fly!!? Is that possible!!?


Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:05 pm
by frfly172
There will always be a place for sport pilot instructors there is a group that just want sport pilot privleges.Also the sport pilot once lic. can always go nout and practice all the ppl manuvers on there own and become proficient at a much cheaper rate.Dont give up spi is new time will be on the side of light sport.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:52 pm
by zdc
Do not despair. If a prospective student views Sport as a stepping stone to Private, the student should be advised to pursue Private from the beginning, in which case a FI-Sport would not be appropriate anyway.

Most people who choose Sport are older and do not desire any other rating.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:29 pm
by Aerco
If an initial student has worries about this, tell them this:

The average PPL student takes about 60 hours or more to get his 'regular' PPl, even though the legal minimum is 40. If the Sport Pilot student does his 20 hours in an LSA and then proceeds to do his regular license, he/she will already know how to fly an airplane and easily get the regular PPL done within the minimum 40 hours. So the hours are anything but wasted.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:18 am
by ka7eej

I like your way of thinking.... Thanks!!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:09 pm
by jimhazen
Sport Pilot:
Stepping stone to PPL Not really
Aviation on the cheap No such thing
Rewarding and fun ABSOLUTELY ... 9Arpey.htm

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:38 pm
by AZPilot
Silly question for you.

Since you are Comm/IFR Airplane, why didn't you just go
subpart H since you already met the mins?


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:28 pm
by bryancobb
Here's the reasons I went Subpartk K.

There's no way to sugar-coat it. I have little patience for the narcissistic, affluent, know-it-all types that make up a significant portion of the non-ultralight crowd. These folks walk, talk, and take instruction like they already know everything. They typically don't hang out at the airport. They drive up in their shiny Jag that someone else washed for them. They EXPECT the FBO emplyees to top off their tanks before they drive up the next time. And they BETTER NOT get a drop of that blue gas on their wing.

MY airport friends are the ex-ultralight and Experimental folks. A band of brothers and sisters. We HANG OUT at the airport for the fellowship. We go flying in groups and formations. Loan each other gas, oil, and parts. We help each other enjoy aviation. We are typically humble and take instruction well. Most have years of building and flying RC under their belt and REALLY UNDERSTAND AVIATION well.

I took my CFI Checkride with an examiner who was one of our ultralight crowd who has a Flightstar that he bought new and now has over 3000 hours on it. 2500 hours of that was DUAL.

These are all the PRIMARY reasons. The secondary reasons... I'm 49, overweight, sit at a computer all day designing pressure vessels. My dad died of heart disease. My older brother had a heart attack. I went through Army Flight school in 1987, at 26 years old, and have kept a 1st or 2nd Class Medical since. I owned a cetified helicopter for 6 years ... 73ad76426d which pretty much was my ultimate aviation dream. At my last physical, my AME told me my blood pressure was on its' way up like most 50 yr old fatsos. I just decided "I'm through before I get denied." I don't want to get a special issuance. I LOVE the Cessna 162. I want to teach skinny students in it. I'm REALLY rusty on IFR and I have no interest in getting current for a CFI checkride.

Maybe you can see... Sport Pilot CFI is just my size!
Does that answer your questions.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:16 pm
by 3Dreaming
Bryan, you don't have to current IFR to get a CFI. The only difference for you getting the regular CFI seeing that you have all the other requirements met would be being able to teach the commercial manuvers. The oral for sport on the FOI should have been the same. Tom


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:59 pm
by scottj
Who has the ego and chip on his shoulder problem?

"There's no way to sugar-coat it. I have little patience for the narcissistic, affluent, know-it-all types that make up a significant portion of the non-ultralight crowd. These folks walk, talk, and take instruction like they already know everything. They typically don't hang out at the airport. They drive up in their shiny Jag that someone else washed for them. They EXPECT the FBO emplyees to top off their tanks before they drive up the next time. And they BETTER NOT get a drop of that blue gas on their wing."

This is why the regulators don't like the little old Sport CFI...and made you a second class instructor.

If you qualify, quit whining and go get your real CFI ticket.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:58 pm
by Jeff Tipton
I think an interesting question might be this. A commercial rated pilot allows there medical to lapse and decides to fly LSA at the sport pilot level. After time the pilot takes a BFR from Sport CFI. After taking the BFR the pilot receives the medical again.

Would the pilot be legal to fly a non LSA aircraft. I don't think the FAA has even considered this one yet.