Sport Pilot upgrading to private in glider

Sport aviation is growing rapidly. But the new sport pilot / light-sport aircraft rules are still a mystery to many flight schools and instructors. To locate a flight school offering sport pilot training and/or light-sport aircraft rentals, click on the "Flight School And Rental Finder" tab above. This is a great place to share ideas on learning to fly, flight schools, costs and anything else related to training.

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Sport Pilot upgrading to private in glider

Post by AviatorCrafty »

Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask, but I remember some forum members mentioning they are glider pilots/fly gliders. I've been flying as a sport pilot for some time now, and of course the inevitable question of upgrading to private pilot comes up, mostly from other pilots :lol:. I have taken up an interest in trying out glider flying (found a club near me), as many have described it to me as the most pure and fun kind of flying out there and requires no medical. Now as a sport pilot I could go through two CFIs and get the add on but I keep the sport pilot restrictions, such as no flying above 10,000 feet. I looked at part 61 and with the experience I have now (53 hours), my requirements to get the full private certificate in a glider get reduced, to pretty much to a few hours solo/with a CFI before going for the checkride. Now since I'd be upgrading I'd have to take the written test, but other than that I still have to go through the reduced requirements listed in part 61? Another grey area I found was that for a private pilot glider I don't have to demonstrate knowledge/training in night flight, but there are also no FARs prohibiting glider pilots from flying at night, is this the case? I understand normal gliders wouldn't be equipped to fly at night anyway, but I would hope to get the self launch endorsement and a lot of motor gliders are equipped to fly at night it seems. With going this route I could get my commercial/CFI and end up teaching students which is my end goal anyway, and I'd be a full CFI rather than a Sport CFI.
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Re: Sport Pilot upgrading to private in glider

Post by 3Dreaming »

I just had 2 applicants pass their glider add on this past weekend. With your time to get a private glider you will need 3 hours in a glider, 10 solo flights, 3 flights in prep for the checkride, plus the knowledge test. This is the minimum, it might take longer. Oh, and a checkride with a DPE.

For sport pilot add on you train to proficiency with one instructor, and do a proficiency check with another. No solo time is required. The problem will be finding 2 glider instructors who will be willing to do the process. Added to that you will need to find a glider club or operation that trains with a light sport glider. Our club has 2 two seat gliders one is LSA, the other is not.
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