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Leaping legless from FCM

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:46 pm
by Prawnstar33
Ho There LSA pilots,
Hailing from Minneapolis, MN. using FCM (flying cloud in Eden Prairie) I’m just about finished with my LSA training and looking into purchasing my own bird. Trained in a Jabiru 230 with some of my mid training lessons done in a piper Cherokee 140, and 180. My Father was a PP, IFR certified, that owned 2 aircraft during his twilight years. I look back on each flight I took with my Dad fondly and believe the bonding we did during those times cemented us together for life. I can’t wait to do this with the one child I have who doesn’t have ADD!
My reasons for joining the board are very likely the exact same as most.
1) discuss and learn about the new regulations for LSA and pLSA. I truly truly hope to see Cherokee 140s, Cessna 150, 152, and 172 come into the realm of possibility! Like I said I trained in a jabiru and found the plane actually harder to fly than the Cherokee 140 because the wings were heavier and I wasn’t being thrown around to the point of slamming my head against the window (which happened a few times). Let’s also talk about affordability.
2) learn about all the new planes being made and how they compare.. hear from PICs of these planes and so on.
3) meet anyone in my area who know a thing or two or a mechanic or two who can talk to me

Excited to get started!

Re: Leaping legless from FCM

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:56 pm
by 3Dreaming
Welcome aboard.

Re: Leaping legless from FCM

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 11:47 am
by yabiah

Re: Leaping legless from FCM

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:59 am
by arizonarotors
Welcome aboard!